In-Person Worship on SUNDAY's @9AM

Living Word Christian Fellowship was formed under the unction of the Holy Spirit to exalt the Lordship of Jesus Christ: to provide a medium for people to experience God through wholehearted obedience to the inerrant word of God, the Bible; to further demonstrate our faith by loving one another and forming strong covenantal relationships; to identify, nurture and celebrate the ministry gifts of every individual and bring them to maturity in Christ; to extend His kingdom to every sphere of life through the recovery of the arts, sciences, music and drama; to spread the message of the gospel throughout the world through every available means, thus fulfilling the mandate of the church to make disciples of all nations.
Uniting people to god and people to people
With over three decades of studying and teaching the Word of God, and seeing many people come to know the joy of life in Christ, I’ve learned this: The Word of God is like a mine, and the longer you go into it, some of the richer things you find. I am not interested in a public platform; I’m interested in personally touching people, people like you.
Working together to accomplish great things for the Kingdom of God. 36 Years committed to building God's People.
Thank you for your friendship.

Bishop Cedric & Pastor Kim Miller